Tuesday 15 September 2015

Museum and Hyde Park Excursion

Last week the Yanchep Beach Kindy classes left school for the whole day and travelled into Perth on a long bus ride to visit the WA Museum and Hyde Park. To continue our learning on insects and mini beasts we explored the museum and were able to find bugs from all over Western Australia! We found beetles, butterflies, spiders, stick insects, spiders and many more bugs. The museum workers even brought out a live leaf insect! We learned that leaf insects are camouflaged to take on the appearance of leaves so that the birds do not find them and eat them.

We then explored the rest of the museum and discovered dinosaur bones from local dinosaurs. We also saw diamonds and glowing rocks. In the mammal room the Kindy children had to listen to descriptive clues to try and find the correct mammals.

After wandering around the museum we jumped back on the bus and went and had lunch and a play at Hyde Park. We had a marvellous day and were fortunate to have gorgeous weather both days!

Group 1

Group 2

Sunday 6 September 2015

Gentlemen's Afternoon

Thank you to all the dads, mums, grandpas and uncles who made it to our Gentlemen's Afternoon Activity Session. It was wonderful to see you and your child having so much fun and enjoying spending time together. I do hope your children continued to spoil you over the weekend.

Group 1

Group 2